ZHOU, Guodong

ZHOU, Guodong 周國棟

Research Fellow (科创百人计划研究员)
College of Integrated Circuits, Zhejiang University
ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center
Email: gdzhou [at] zju [dot] edu [dot] cn

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Litho Research Group

12/2022 - present: Research Fellow (科创百人计划研究员), College of Integrated Circuits, Zhejiang University/ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center

11/2019 - 11/2022: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

     Advisor: Prof. ZHAO, Ni

08/2014 - 10/2019: Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (11/2019), Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

     Advisor: Prof. ZHAO, Ni

01/2018 - 06/2018: Visiting Ph.D. student, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

     Advisor: Prof. ZHANG, Quan (Neural Systems Group led by Prof. STRANGMAN, Gary)

09/2010 - 06/2014: B.Eng. in IC Design and Integrated System, School of Optical and Electronic Information (OEI), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

Research Interests

Intelligent manufacturing, Lithography, Transistors, Photodetectors